The back of the berm was also planted up with 100 woodland bulbs (if you look closely above you can just see them laid out for planting). Our choice was Wild Garlic because this will stabilise the berm and add to the sensory garden (it has a shady, wooded aspect), but mainly because it is EDIBLE. This is an essential part of ABLE's different way of thinking - i.e. allocating space for growing food and edible plants/trees as part of EVERY project, whatever the setting. This makes it an incredible edible BMX track (to find out more about this approach, read the website of our close working partners Incredible Edible Todmorden who have pioneered this approach internationally, to much Royal acclaim).
The ABLE Project's 'BMX highriders' scheme received £8,374 from Big Lottery's Awards for All to create a BMX club for young people with special needs. We worked half a day every week (12 weeks) to self-build an innovative pump track in the grounds of Ravenscliffe High School and Sports College, Halifax, England. Calderdale & Kirklees Green Business Network managed the project and are now transferring the lessons learnt onto a new (10 acre) site in North Kirklees. The pilot track remains in place as a community resource.
[ last updated 18 November 2014 ]
[ last updated 18 November 2014 ]
Week 6: action, action, action
The back of the berm was also planted up with 100 woodland bulbs (if you look closely above you can just see them laid out for planting). Our choice was Wild Garlic because this will stabilise the berm and add to the sensory garden (it has a shady, wooded aspect), but mainly because it is EDIBLE. This is an essential part of ABLE's different way of thinking - i.e. allocating space for growing food and edible plants/trees as part of EVERY project, whatever the setting. This makes it an incredible edible BMX track (to find out more about this approach, read the website of our close working partners Incredible Edible Todmorden who have pioneered this approach internationally, to much Royal acclaim).